Lay Ministry

What is Lay Ministry?

Lay ministries include Ushers, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Altar Servers, Music, and Environment/Decor.

Why are Lay Ministers Important?

The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council calls for the "...full, conscious and active participation of the faithful in the liturgy.  The introduction of the laity into the ministry of Lector and Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is one way to support this goal.  The lay people have historically been active as ushers and altar servers, but even these liturgical roles are given more attention and welcome participation today.

As  Pope Francis has said, "The Mass is the very heart of the Church and the source of her life.  At every celebration of Mass, our lives, offered in union with Christ's sacrifice on the cross, become, in him, an offering of praise and thanksgiving pleasing to the Father, for the salvation of the world."

Want to Get Involved?

We are always looking for people who want to get more involved in the parish.  If you are interested in becoming a lay minister is some capacity, please contact Marilyn Klaus.

Lay Ministers Schedule September-December 2024

Lay Ministers Schedule January 2025

Lay Ministers Schedule February 2025