OCIA - How Do I Become Catholic?

What is OCIA?

OCIA (formerly RCIA) stands for Order of Christian Initiation for Adults.  OCIA is the normal process by which non-Catholics can enter the Catholic Church.  However, OCIA classes are open to anyone, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, wishing to learn more about the Catholic faith.  

When Are OCIA Classes Held?

OCIA classes are held on Sunday mornings from 9:00-10:30AM in Holtman Hall.  Classes for the 2024-25 liturgical year will start on Sunday, September 8.

OCIA Class Schedule

A preliminary class schedule (PDF format) for the upcoming 2024-25 liturgical year can be downloaded using the following link:

OCIA Class Schedule

How Can I Sign Up for OCIA Classes?

No signup is necessary.  Just show up for class on Sunday, September 8.  

All classes will be held in Holtman Hall unless otherwise stated.

Will OCIA Classes be Streamed?

We encourage all participants to attend all scheduled classes in Holtmann Hall if possible.  But streaming is available if you need to miss a class, or if your situation prohibits you from attending in person.  

We will be using Google Meet for online classes.  The free version of Google Meet only allows one hour meetings, and our RCIA classes last for an hour and a half with a 5 minute break at about the midpoint.  So to allow for this, we have a link for the first part of class and for the second:

Simply open the link at the designated time and click the "Join" button.  

Class Presentations

Class presentations will be posted below. The link to the class presentation will typically be posted the day of the actual class.

29/15Basic Theology and Apologetics
39/22Christian Theology
49/29The Bible
510/6The Creed
610/13The Our Father

Sin, Forgiveness, Repentance and Conversion


810/27Eternal Destiny
1011/10The Mass Explained
1111/17The Kingdom of God
1212/8The Blessed Virgin Mary
1312/15The Church
151/12Catholic Buffet
161/19The Ten Commandments
171/26History of the Catholic Church
182/2The Virtues and the Beatitudes
192/9The Sacraments of Initiation (Homework Wild Goose Videos)
202/16The Sacraments of Healing
212/23The Sacraments of Service: Holy Orders and Holy Matrimony

OCIA Participant Checklist

If you are attending OCIA classes as Sacred Heart Rockne with the attention of becoming Catholic, or completing your Catholic sacraments, there are a few things you need to do.

We ask all participants to fill in an OCIA / RCIA participation form and return it to us.  If you attend class, we will have a hard copy to give to you.  You do not need to download and fill in a form before.

Questions?  Comments?

If you have questions or comments, please contact Rodney Kadura.