Abortion NO More

Texas reached an extraordinary milestone in the history of human rights in our state.  Elective abortion is no longer legal, thanks to the Texas Human Life Protection Act (HLPA).  At the same time, vast resources for women with unplanned pregnancies are available throughout the state.  The law (HB 1280) went into effect on August 25, 30 days after the Supreme Court issued its final judgment on July 26.  For this reason, the HLPA is sometimes called the "trigger law". The HLPA provides multiple avenues of protection against illegal abortions in Texas.  Violators can be sentenced to up to 99 years in prison, be fined $100,000 or more, and lose their medical licenses.  Governor Abbott approved an appropriation of $100 million for the current two-year budget for the highly successful Alternatives to Abortion program.  Support is available for at least three years after birth from nearly 200 pregnancy centers, maternity homes, and adoption agencies across the state, serving 150,000 clients each year, far more than the 55,000 abortions in Texas in 2020.  Governor Abbott also approved $1.2 billion/year in the Medicaid Program for prenatal, childbirth, and follow-up care for low-income women and their babies.  For more information, go to:  Texas Alliance for Life  Look for the pregnancy resources on our webpage.